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Ms. Arkabaeva Cholpon (Kyrgyz)
Transparency--key to building public trust during health emergency: Case of COVID–19 in Kyrgyz Republic.

The spread of COVID-19 since the end of 2019 has affected the governments around the world in different ways. Government’s transparency and citizen’s trust in the government are among the key issues affected by the COVID-19. This dissertation hypothesized that a higher level of government’s transparency leads to a higher level of public trust in the context of the health pandemic.

This dissertation used the case study method which compared the development of the COVID-19 in four countries: Japan, Kyrgyz Republic, New Zealand, and the United States of America. This study used secondary data available from the WHO, Pew Research Center and many other organizations as well as media reporting.

Each of these nations demonstrated different levels of transparency and public trust during the health crisis. Japan and New Zealand were not severely affected by the COVID-19, and this maintained a certain level of public trust. These governments could also maintain a relatively high level of transparency. Meanwhile, the Kyrgyz Republic and the USA were hit hard with a number of infected citizens, and the citizens in these two nations were highly concerned about the transparency.

This study suggests that if the level of transparency is reduced during a pandemic, the level of public trust will decrease. Thus, it is important for the government agencies to maintain the public trust for an effective implementation of counter-pandemic strategies. Besides, the case studies suggest the importance of effective communication in improving the citizens’ perception of the transparency.

Ms. Sak Sreynoch (Cambodia):
Public Participation for JICA-funded Infrastructure Projects in Cambodia.

Public consultation with stakeholders is a prerequisite for minimizing the social and environmental impacts of infrastructure developments. Different factors can contribute to the effective public consultation process. This study examines the factors contributing to effective participatory processes during public consultation and resettlement activity by comparing three JICA-funded infrastructure projects in different parts of Cambodia by using a checklist for measuring the effectiveness of each process.

The author found that the project locations (urban/rural) do not impact the quality of public consultation. The willingness of the government agency to promote public participation seems to be crucial. The willingness of the citizens was high for all three projects, but their motive for participating in the meeting was not their concerns about adverse impacts on the environment and the community. All projects had adequate resources from the Cambodian Governments. Other factors, such as the available time and the skill of meeting management, were also relevant to the participatory process's effectiveness.

While the three Cambodian projects examined in this research paper satisfy most of the criteria in the checklist, the interests of the affected citizens were not necessarily fully reflected in the project's decisions. It suggests that the quality of public participation is not only about the operation of participatory processes but also about the democratic involvement of local citizens in the government's decision-making processes.


荒田 潤さん:
観光の目的地選択における観光公害の重要性に関する研究 ―AHP手法を用いた分析結果と今後の課題―

観光客の急増に伴う混雑やマナー問題などのいわゆる観光公害は、これから観光しようとする者がその目的地を選択する際、どの程度影響を与えるのだろうか。アンケート調査と階層分析法(AHP)を用いて観光地の魅力度を調査した先行研究は存在するが、観光公害を扱った先行研究は存在しない。 そこで本研究は、「人々が観光地の目的地を選ぶ際、観光公害はどの程度重視されているのか」を明らかにするため、WEBアンケート調査とAHPによる分析を行った。281件の回答のうち、整合性が確認された169件を分析した結果、観光公害に係る「混雑・渋滞していない(13.6%)」「清潔さ・ゴミが落ちていない(12.8%)」は、「食事のおいしさ(21.5%)」、「自然の豊かさ(16.2%)」、「歴史・文化が感じられる(16.2%)」より重要度が低いものの、合わせて約4分の1の重みを占め、特に、「混雑・渋滞していない」は関東以外の旅行経験が少ない人々に、「清潔さ・ゴミが落ちていない」は、関東地方以外の旅行回数が少ない一人暮らしの20代女性で、職業は学生に一定の影響力があることが明らかとなった。今後の観光政策は「食事」等に注目した需要喚起だけでなく、観光公害対策やそのPRも必要である。


Mr. Shahin Mohammad Jahedul Hoque
Why not e-government?: A study of factors affecting the adoption of e-government in Bangladesh

Information communication technology (ICT) affects almost every sphere of human lives. Governments worldwide are increasingly employing ICT based platforms to accomplish day to day jobs and provide better access to the stakeholders. Even in developing countries, the electronic government is not a future plan to dream of. Bangladesh, being a developing country, started her vision of long term development, riding on the highway of ICT and e-government. This electronic means of government plays a critical role in ensuring participatory citizen culture and balanced development throughout the country. The perception of citizens about the e-government and its implications is crucial to the effective adoption of the e-government. The success of e-government initiatives mostly depends on how citizens are adopting the services e-government offers. Developing nations are having a crisis of escalating the altitude of adoption of e-government. Bangladesh is not an exception either. This study investigates the affecting factors of the adoption of e-government in Bangladesh. The current study proposes a model of e-government adoption adopted from most widely employed adoption theories and models; Technology acceptance model (TAM), Diffusion of innovation (DOI), and the Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT). The proposed model is tested using regression analysis in SPSS. Data were collected through a citizen survey in Bangladesh. Among the total of 153 respondents, all are government service seekers. This study chooses one of the most popular services; passport seeking service for testing the proposed hypotheses. The analysis shows that three of the five proposed hypotheses are statistically significant in predicting the adoption of e-government. Perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived trustworthiness, and reliability are the most significant factors of the adoption of e-government services in Bangladesh. The findings of the study are consistent with the previous studies in similar contexts and backgrounds. Further studies are needed to explore the widened understanding of the adoption and affecting factors in Bangladesh. This paper concludes by summarizing the findings of the analysis for a better design and implementation of e-government projects.

Phal Nyveara:
The Relationship between Leadership Style and Employees’ Commitment in the Public Sector: Case Studies of the One Window Service Unit in Cambodia

This study aims to understand the relationship between leadership styles and employees' commitment in the context of organizational change in the public sector of Cambodia. It identifies leadership styles utilized by chief officers and measures the level of employees' commitment to the One Window Service Unit (OWSUs) in Cambodia. It also investigates which style of leadership contributes to a high level of employees' commitment. The Government of Cambodia has recently experienced an organizational change by introducing a new department, the OWSU, to its provincial administrations in 2018. It is led by one chief officer, assisted by two deputy chief officers, who supervises at least three front office officers and thirteen back office officers. However, due to its complex organizational structures and yet-to-be standardized operation procedures, there are challenges for gaining the commitment of the OWSU employees to the workplace. Particular leadership styles are effective in improving the employees' commitment to a successful organizational change. However, there is no universal agreement about which leadership style is the most effective in promoting the employees' commitment. When observing the most effective style of leadership, most researchers study the impact of leadership style either from the behavioral, path-goal, leader-member exchange, or full-range leadership theory with organizational outcomes and employees' behaviors. Similarly, in measuring the employees' commitment, most studies focus on employee's intention to stay by observing whether they want to, need to, or ought to do so. However, it is not always sufficient to understand the commitment of the employees based only on their intention to stay because their commitment should also depend on the employees' attachments to the organization and how much they have contributed to the organization. Therefore, in order to understand the leadership styles and employees' commitment, this study adopts a different approach. It will observe the leadership styles exercised by each chief officer at three OWSUs to examine how three mainstream leadership theories, the behavioral, path-goal, and full range leadership theories are applied. The leadership styles from these three theories are famously studied in the context of organizational change and have a significant relationship with the employees' commitment. In addition, this study will measure the level of employees' commitment by paying attention to the attachment of each employee in the OWSU to their job, chief officer, co-workers, and the OWSUs, involvement through contribution and performance, and their loyalty to the OWSUs. Interviews with twenty-one participants from three OWSUs and two hours of field observations at each site are the primary data of this study. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, coded, and analyzed by using a Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) software package NVivo 10. Leadership style matrix or checklist and the employees' commitment scale were used to assess the style of leadership and to measure the level of employees' commitment. Information obtained from the chief officer, the employees, and the field observations were used for data validation. The results indicate that leadership styles have impacts on employees' commitments to the OWSUs in Cambodia. The chief officer who adopted the transformational leadership style enjoys the highest level of commitment by both front and back office officers. The chief officer with the relation-oriented leadership style secured a high level of commitment by the front office officers, but a medium level from the back office officers. The chief officer who posed a "confusing" leadership style, which the author found the leading behaviors were differently described between the chief officer and the employees, had the least committed employees. Even though every OWSU in Cambodia has similar characteristics and has to implement similar organizational change, the leadership styles utilized by each chief officer are different. The transformational leadership is found to be the most effective leadership style in enhancing employees' commitment to the OWSUs in Cambodia because the chief officer was able to show high capacity in both managing the operation effectively and motivating the employees properly. The relation-oriented chief officer was less effective because he could only motivate his employees well, but was not creative enough for improving the office's operations. The confusing chief officer was the least effective among the three because he seemed to have good plans and creativities but failed to implement the plans, misunderstood the ways to motivate his employees, and did not build proper human relationships in his office. Therefore, in order to implement the visions of the OWSUs, it is required to have a qualified chief officer who has high involvement and loyal employees. Using a proper leadership style can help employees become committed and perform better, which also improves public service delivery in Cambodia by making it more effective, efficient, and transparent, as stated in the OWSUs' vision. These findings enrich the public leadership literature in the context of organizational change in developing countries, especially in Cambodia.



田口 祐子さん:
主体性を持った公務員を増やすためのトランジション・マネジメントの検討 ―日本で発生したトランジション事例を応用して―

2000年4月の地方分権一括法の施行によって、各自治体においてそれぞれの地域の特性や特色を生かした、 多様性のある政策を立案し、実行していくことが求められるようになった。 また、2018年に成立した働き方改革関連法と、一部改正された人事院規則等を踏まえ、超過勤務命令の上限等について各自治体で条例改正されており、限られた時間の中で効率良く仕事を行う生産性が重要性を増している。

そのような中で、本研究において注目したのは「主体性を持った公務員」である。本研究は、地方公務員が主 体的に業務に取り組む姿勢を構築するために、社会全体でシステムをどのようにすれば変革(トランジション) できるかを検討し、その変革をもたらすための方策を提言することを目的とした。


既に存在する主体性を持った公務員たちに賛同するものたちが多数現れ、多数派となり、公務員の意識に大 きな転換がもたらされることが本研究の目指すところである。そこで、トランジションの考え方を採用し、どのよ うにすれば日本の地方公務員の意識変革が図られるかを検討し、方策を提言することとした。

変革の鍵となるものを見つけ出すため、日本で起きたトランジションの3事例(受動喫煙対策、クールビズ、男性の育児休業取得)を分析したところ、下記の4点が人々の価値観の転換の鍵となっていたことが明らかにな った。

(1) 「主体的な公務員」の言語化による概念形成
他には、職員個人のモチベーションを上げるための研修制度の充実や評価制度の導入が期待される。さらに、AI(Artificial Intelligence)やRPA(Robotic Process Automation)では代替できない、人間でしかできない能力を伸ばしていくことが今後求められるだろう。


松村 知典さん:
東京駅から 50 ㎞圏にあるタワーマンショの立地要因分析






朱 正梁さん:









Mr. Dolan Md Abu Raihan (Bangladesh):
User perception on the quality and effectiveness of
e-government in the rural areas of Bangladesh

E-government is now considered as a tool for development with which countries all over the world make a transition from the conventional manual governance to an accessible electronic governance. It is believed that e-government can empower economically disadvantaged citizens, enhance their skills, increase their productivity, and improve governance at all level by reducing transaction costs, saving time, and increasing effectiveness and efficiency in the public sector.

This study examined a theoretical framework of how the qualities of e-services affect their effectiveness in Bangladesh by adopting a quantitative approach. The e-service quality includes three aspects: information quality, system quality, and service quality. This study adopted the Delone and McLean IS success model with a few modifications.

After analysing the factors included in this theoretical model, three hypotheses were derived: H1) Improved System quality enhances the effectiveness web portal; H2) Improved Service quality enhances the effectiveness of web portal; and H3) Improved Information quality enhances the effectiveness of web portals. A five-point Likert scale survey was conducted in all of the eight divisions of Bangladesh. Eighty eight respondents were selected for data analysis. A multiple regression analysis was conducted for exploring how well the independent variables explain the dependent variable and which of those independent variables are the strongest predictors of the dependent variable.

The findings revealed that the service and information qualities were significantly and positively correlated to the effectiveness of web portal. These made a considerable contribution to the variance in the user’s evaluation of effectiveness. The implication of this conclusion is that information and service qualities of e-government service can determine its effectiveness. Contrary to the hypothesis, system quality was not significantly correlated to the evaluation of effectiveness, nor did it significantly contribute to the variance in it. Among three hypotheses, therefore, H1 and H3 are accepted and H2 is rejected.
This study has discovered that the users of e-services in Bangladesh are satisfied with the web portal but they are not fully satisfied their qualities. Moreover, this study discovered, by examining three different qualities in e-government services, that the service receivers are not much concerned about the quality of the system from which they receive the service; instead, they are concerned about the quality of the service and the information they obtain. Therefore policy makers should focus on the service delivery mechanism and the quality of information that they provide to the people.

Mr. Kalybek Akmatov (Kyrgis):
The Role of Continuous Improvement on the Performance of IT-related Government Agencies: Case of the Kyrgyz Republic

The research focuses on the role of continuous improvement in the public sector. It attempts to discover how continuous improvement and some other factors affects the performance in the information technology (IT) related government agencies. Continuous improvement is about improving organizational performance (Martichenko, 2005), the study tested the possibility of introducing the continuous improvement efforts to the IT-related public sector in the Kyrgyz Republic. In this paper, authors considered job performance as the outcome variable. An empirical analysis conducted to test whether the adoption of continuous improvement, transformational leadership and better human resources development can enhance the performance of IT-related public sector in the Kyrgyz Republic. The research adopted a quantitative approach, a survey questionnaire distributed to the employees of the six public organizations, while 100 respondents were randomly selected (more than 10% of the total population), and 93 responses were collected. Several areas of variables correlated to the research topic were used as the survey items. They are (1) performance, (2) motivation, (3) leadership, (4) HRD, (5) continuous improvement. Finally, the research points out the study’s theoretical, empirical, and practical implications and directions for future research. The empirical analysis confirmed the theoretical model, where leadership and continuous improvement actively and directly affect the employee’s performance.








Mr. Taian Nihad Adnan (Bangladesh):
Capacity Building in Cyber Security-based Units of Bangladesh Police

This research is based on two groups of hypotheses. The first group hypothesis has two independent variables: lack of training and lack of motivation. It is hypothesized that these two independent variables are leading to the apathy of the employees to work in the cyber units in the Bangladesh Police. This sense of apathy among the employees is leading to the lack of skilled manpower in the cyber units. This lack of skilled manpower in the cyber units variable is working as independent variable for the last variable of this research's second hypothesis which is lower disposal rate of cyber related cases.

From the survey of this study, which is conducted by interview-based questionnaire in Bangladesh and interview sessions in the United Kingdom, it is found that the independent variables which are considered for supporting both of the hypotheses of this study are supported. But at the same time, in the analysis of the data, some other variables are discovered.

At the beginning of this study, lack of training and lack of motivation were hypothesized as the independent variables for the apathy to work. But after analyzing the data, lack of knowledge, inadequate budget, too much workload and loopholes in legal framework are also operating as the independent variable for the apathy to work in the cyber security sector.In total, it can be said that, lack of training, lack of motivation, lack of knowledge, inadequate budget, too much workload and loopholes in legal framework are leading to the apathy of the employees of the cyber units to work for there.

Consequently, the apathy is resulting in the shortage of skilled manpower in the cyber units and again the variable lack of skilled manpower in cyber security units is resulting in the lower disposal rate of cyber related cases.

Ms. Dashjamts Enkhtuul (Mongolia):
Improving Occupational Accident Reporting in Mongolia: A comparative study of reporting systems in different countries

This research paper seeks to explore the following two questions:
1. What are the underlying factors or causes for the under-reporting of occupational accidents?
2. How can the Mongolian national system for reporting and data collection be improved?

In this research, the comparative case study approach is employed for exploring the above mentioned research questions. The research mostly relies on the secondary data such as books, journal articles, reports, internet web pages, and other reliable sources of information. In addition to Mongolia, developed countries such as Japan, Germany, Korea and the United Kingdom are the target of this comparative study. By looking into the practices in these countries in depth, the author aims at capturing the data collection system for workplace accidents in these countries and, more importantly, finding out practical lessons that can be applied to the Mongolian context.

From the comparative study of four selected countries as well as reviewed literature, the following four features are found to have major implications on the data collection system for occupational accidents. These are: 1) organizational reporting system, 2) supplementary survey methods, 3) reporting criteria and 4) the ‘no-fault’ rule.

Ms. Yesmin Mst Farhana (Bangladesh):
Improving Pedestrian Sidewalks in Dhaka Metropolitan Area: applying lessons from the traditional Japanese ‘Shotengai Streets.’

The aim of this research paper is to depict the present conditions of the pedestrian walkways in the Dhaka Metropolitan Area, to identify the causes of their dysfunctions and to explore effective solutions. As many stakeholders are involved in the construction, maintenance and management of pedestrian walkways, and many others are involved in disrupting the movements of the pedestrians, coordination among stakeholders is likely to be crucial for improving the functionalities of the walkways. This study, therefore, aims at searching for a suitable method of coordination among all the stakeholders for improving the walkways in the DMA. The key research question of this thesis is: Can an obstacle free pedestrian friendly walkway be developed through consensus building processes involving all stakeholders?

To explore the answer, a qualitative research is held. The methods used in this thesis are interview-based survey, in-depth interview, focus group discussion, and the physical survey of the target areas. In addition, a case study on a Japanese Shotengai street is also conducted as one of the best practices for managing walkways by involving local stakeholders.

In order to bring back the discipline of footpath, in order to reduce traffic accidents involving pedestrians, and in order to provide a safe walking environment in the DMA, the lessons from Shotengai streets can be useful. Different stakeholders in a particular neighborhood such as shopkeepers, vendors and neighborhood members can develop a self-governing system with co-governing mechanism in collaboration with local authorities (the DNCC/DSCC, the DMP, the DTCA, the BRTA) for improving the condition of the walkways in the neighborhood.




調査対象は、都道府県、政令指定都市、中核市、特別区及び都内で独自に福祉のまちづくり条例を策定している6市の計143自治体である。研究方法は、(1)ウェブサイトからの情報収集、(2)アンケート調査、(3)先行自治体へのヒアリング調査で構成した。 結果として、実質的に意見聴取を実施していた自治体は32%に留まり、多くの自治体において、福祉のまちづくり条例所管課が庁内の意見聴取実施状況をほとんどで把握きていない状況が散見された。また関連する制度の整備と意見聴取の実施状況に影響があることが示されていることから、今回の調査対象に含まれなかった市町村では、さらに実施率は低下すると類推される。



日本で、ユニバーサルデザインのスパイラルアップやその手法の重要性が語られ出したのは、1990年代後半である。それから20年以上も経過しているのにも関わらず、基本構想以外のモデルは確立できていない 。基本構想策定のように協議会を設置し、学識者や多様な属性の参加者、複数の手法を用いて議論を重ねていく意見聴取のモデルは理想的である。しかし、そうしたモデルを継続して実施する体力がある自治体が今どれだけあるだろうか。これまで、基本構想にしか焦点を当ててこなかったことが、他のモデルを生み出しにくくさせ、結果、意見聴取実施率の低さにつながっていると推測される。


日本 ・欧州 (イギリス・ドイツ・フランス)・アメリカの電力全面自由化の契機に関する研究


