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Peter Adler and Masahiro Matsuura, "Joint Fact-Finding and Data Focused Mediation" American Bar Association, Asia Pacific Mediation Summit (New Delhi, India) 2015.2


Masahiro Matsuura, "Reflexivity as a requirement for transition: Reflection of an experiment with introducing scientific evidence into renewable energy discourse on a small island community" Studying Sustainability Transitions in Welfare States (Rotterdam, Netherlands) 2014.9

Masahiro Matsuura, "Embedding stakeholder processes in the local context" Discovering Intersections: An Exploration of the Art of Negotiation by UN Ombusman & Mediation Service (Nairobi, Kenia; teleconference) 2014.5


Masahiro Matsuura, "Facilitating consensus building through joint fact-finding on expert knowledge" International Coference on Sustainability Science 2013 (Marseille, France) 2013.9.

Masahiro Matsuura, "Reflections from the practice of integrating evidence into policy-making processes through joint fact-finding." Interpretive Policy Analysis 2013 (Vienna, Austria) 2013.7. 審査有

Masahiro Matsuura, Kenshi Baba, Todd Schenk, Danya Rumore, Hidenori Watanave, and Yurina Takata, "World Atlas of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies" in Resilient Cities 2013 (Bonn, Germany) 2013. 5. 審査有


Masahiro Matsuura, "Reinvented Social Construction of Professional Expertise after Introducing Participatory Governance Mechanisms: Cases from Japan." Interpretive Policy Analysis 2012 (Tilburg, Netherlands) 2012.7. 審査有

Masahiro Matsuura, "Institutional Issues in Building Consensus with Fishing Communities for Offshore Wind Development." 13th meeting of the United Nations Open-ended Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea (New York, NY) 2012.5.

Kenshi Baba, Masahiro Matsuura, Sayaka Shinoda, Yasuaki Hijioka, Nobuo Shirai and Mitsuru Tanaka, "Barriers and Drivers of Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change in Disaster Risk Reduction? Implications from Stakeholder Analysis in Tokyo" in Resilient Cities 2012: 3rd World Congress on Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change (Bonn, Germany) 2012. 5. 審査有


Masahiro Matsuura, "Conflict Resolution and Management in Japan: History of Environmental Disputes and Recent Institutional Developments" in Social Sciences for Conflict Resolution and Cohesion Conference (Seoul, S. Korea). 2011.12

Masahiro Matsuura (with Boyd Fuller and Dong Yong Kim through teleconferencing system), "Challenges, Opportunities, and Surprises: Consensus Building and Other Collaborative Efforts for Sustainability Governance in Asia" in Seeking Sustainability through Collaborative Governance: 2011 ACR Environment and Public Policy Section Conference (Portland, OR). 2011.6 審査有

Masahiro Matsuura, Dong Yong Kim, Andrew Lee and Boyd Fuller, "Teaching Negotiation: Pacific Rim Adaptations to Negotiation 1.0" in Rethinking Negotiation Teaching Conference organized by Hamline University School of Law (Beijing, PRC). 2011.5


Masahiro Matsuura, Ryoko Hatanaka and Ayako Furuya, "Round Table Conferences on Nano-Drug Delivery Systems in Japan" The Sixth International Nanotechnology Conference on Communications and Cooperation (Poster presentation) (Grenoble, France) 2010.5 審査有


Masahiro Matsuura and Yuko Hayashi, "Green Building Technologies and End-User Interests: Comparison of housing and retail developments in Japan" International Sustainable Development Research Conference. (Utrecht, Netherlands) 2009.7 審査有

Masahiro Matsuura, Tatsujiro Suzuki and Hideaki Shiroyama. "Stakeholder Assessment for the Introduction of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Technologies in Japan" IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society. (Tempe, AZ) 2009.5 審査有


Masahiro Matsuura, "Experimenting with Consensus Building Processes in Japan: Adaptation and organizational change for contextual differences" Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference. 2006.11 審査有

Masahiro Matsuura, "Exporting consensus building to Japan: What’s lost in translation? " Association for Conflict Resolution/Environment and Public Policy Section Conference 2006. Deliberative Democracy: New Directions in Public Policy Dispute Resolution 2006.6 審査有


Masahiro Matsuura "Teaching Negotiation and Public Dispute Resolution in Japan: A qualitative study on contextual differences." Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference. 2005.10 審査有

Masahiro Matsuura "Contextual Factors in Dealing with the Angry Public in Japan: restoring trust through public dispute resolution" Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations (HPAIR) Annual Conference (Trust WS). 2005.8 審査有


Masahiro Matsuura "Bicycle Sharing." International Workshop on Social Decision Making Process for Energy Technology Introduction, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) Tokyo, Japan. 2003.12

Masahiro Matsuura "About PI-Forum + CB Localization Research" CIBO Workshop, X-Pin, Netherlands.2003.2



東出拓己、松浦正浩「水産資源管理ガバナンスにおける「科学」と「政策」-中西部太平洋まぐろ類委員会における科学的根拠に基づく政策形成に関する提言-」『日本海洋政策学会 第6回年次大会』[2014.12.6](予定)



松浦正浩「共同事実確認方式によるエネルギー技術導入に関するステークホルダー合意形成」『第22回 日本エネルギー学会大会』[2013.8.6]



松浦正浩 「Joint Fact-Finding」『RISTEX科学技術イノベーション政策のための科学 第1回国際ワークショップ』[2012.12.12]

馬場健司、松浦正浩 「ステークホルダー間の共同事実確認による風力導入プロセスの可能性」『第34回風力エネルギー利用シンポジウム』[2012.11.28]

馬場健司、松浦正浩 「分散型エネルギー導入過程における共同事実確認手法の検討-ステークホルダー分析に よる論点の抽出と専門家パネルの構成-」『科学技術社会論学会2012年度年次研究大会』[2012.11.17]


松浦正浩、山中英生、篠田さやか「ワークショップに対するcritical perspectives」『対話する挑戦:参加型プラットフォームを考える』(地球環境パートナーシッププラザ)[2012.6.8]

松浦正浩「共同事実確認手法を活用した政策形成過程の検討と実装プロジェクトの概要」『共同事実確認の可能性:政策形成における科学的情報の役割(iJFF 第1回国際シンポジウム)』(東京大学山上会館)[2012.03.08]


松浦正浩「日本における共同事実確認の利用 ~必要性と可能性~ 」『共同事実確認方式による原子力発電所の地震リスク分析の可能性(「市民参加による熟慮型地震リスク分析の社会実験研究」F/S 公開シンポジウム)』(東京大学工学部2号館)[2011.12.16]


松浦正浩「交渉の合意形成プロセス ~公共政策の交渉と紛争解決の理論研究と実践~」『第24回日本交渉学会全国大会(招待講演)』(中央大学)[2011.11.12]

パネルディスカッション登壇 『Fukushima Dialogue: A Japanese-German exchange on the future of energy policy (独Hertie School of Governanceと東大公共政策大学院の公開ビデオ・カンファレンス)』(東京大学法学政治学系科総合研究棟)[2011.09.21]

パネルディスカッション登壇 『東日本大震災のコミュニケーションから学ぶ意見交換会』 環境省環境研究総合推進費S-5 「地球温暖化に係る政策支援と普及啓発のための気候変動シナリオに関する総合的研究」(東京大学山上会館)[2011.09.07]

松浦正浩「ナノDDS(医薬品)に関するテクノロジーアセスメントと共同事実確認(Joint Fact-Finding)の洋上風力発電問題への応用」『参加型テクノロジーアセスメントWS』 (大阪大学コミュニケーションデザイン・センター)[2011.06.11]

