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ベネズエラからくる情報科学だかなんだかの怪しい学会のSPAMについては、研究者のみなさんはもう辟易ご存知のことかと思いますが、SPAMどころか、monkey business臭プンプンの新しい物件が小生のもとへと到着。以下長いですが引用。

Dear Dr. Matsuura,

My name is MSc ○○○ ○○○○○○○ and I am contacting you regarding the ■■■■■■ new book project under the working title “Sustainable Energy”, ■■■-■■■-■■■■-X-X.

Based on your paper “Stakeholder assessment for the introduction of sustainable energy and environmental technologies in Japan”, you are nominated to participate in the book. You are however neither limited to the paper topic nor are we asking you to republish the above paper. This paper served as a proof that you are doing a high quality research.

The book will be published by ■■■■■■, world’s largest science & technology open access publisher. All ■■■■■■ books are published both in hard copy (with ISBN number) and online, with completely FREE access to read, share and download.

The publishing fee per chapter is 470 Euro. Publishing fee covers all steps in the book production as well as one hard copy of the book which will be sent to you with express postal delivery.


しかーし。これはジャーナルじゃなくて書籍らしい。当然査読もないんだろうね。しかも一番アヤシイのが470ユーロの請求。なんでお金とるんだ?学者が本気でedited volumeをつくろうとしているのなら、料金など取るはずがない。謝金を払うのがスジだろう。


カテゴリ: 未分類 — Masa @ 10:23 PM